Dr. Sally Smith
What do you enjoy most about being a Doctor?
I enjoy the variety of work in rural general practice in Corowa, seeing patients of all ages across the community and hospital settings, and contributing to the health of the community in which I live.
When did you join the practice?
2016, after being an Extended Rural Cohort Medical Student at the practice in 2011-2012.
Tell us something else about yourself.
I also work at Wodonga Maternity, and provide Antenatal clinics and run the Rutherglen High School Program for Redgum Medical Group.
Area of Interest:
I have a particular interest in Antenatal care, Women’s Health, Paediatrics, Sexual Health and Rural Health.
Qualified GP Obstetrician, FACRRM, MBBS (Hons) The University of Melbourne 2012, DRANZCOG Advanced, and Diploma in Child Health, The University of Sydney 2015, Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy), The University of Sydney 2001
Training :
I have completed additional training in antenatal care and children’s health.